Does your marriage need a checkup?

The family is the foundational building block of society, and the marriage is the foundation of the family. Since the marriage is so foundational to all aspects of life, how often do you have a marital checkup? Below is a link to an assessment that I created in 2005. It’s purpose is to be a conversation starter. Every marriage has two perspectives, and both of them are right, and both have to be adequately addressed in order for the marriage to be healthy. If you click on this link and complete the assessment, and then forward it to your spouse and your spouse completes the assessment, the results will be sent to me. I will keep your results completely confidential. The assessment will give you a numerical calculation of your overall satisfaction in your marriage, your spouse’s overall satisfaction in the marriage and rate how far apart you are on 20 very important issues. It takes just a few minutes to complete it, and it is COMPLETELY FREE. Give it a try today! Just remember, this is not an indication of whether you should separate or remain together. It is designed to start a conversation. If you need help with that conversation, call Olive Tree Family Counseling at 252-649-2728.

Assessment Link:


The Magnificent Seven


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